Thursday, November 02, 2006


We will be holding a Miss 72-Virgin contest. All you lucky virgins out there who would like to get to heaven while retaining your virgin status may enter our contest. Please send your contest entry, with photograph of course, but only in veil or in hajib to We will judge every entry based on our unique medical criteria to determine your qualifications. Contest entries remain property of

A curious question has arisen and here it is: Will the 72 Virgins awaiting each shaheed be the same virgins as for the other shaheeds? That would seem impossible for reasons obvious to the more sophisticated reader. Another question is once the 72 are used by the assigned shaheed, does he get a new set of 72? Then the next obvious question is that once one is used, is there an immediate replenishment? This would seem necessary as the number must always remain 72. One could ask even teefer (for those who speak the mama lashon). What is the status of the virgin during the maaseh? There could be an issue affecting the number. These and other issues must be resolved in a Fatwa which I plan to issue shortly.

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